
TAHRA Annual Awards - Accepting Nominations

Know someone outstanding in HR? A role model for others? HR professional new to the field and amazing?
Nominate them for a prestigious award TODAY!!

As a TAHRA member, you have the opportunity to recognize a dedicated fellow member by nominating them for one of our annual awards, the Richard J. Messer Excellence in Human Resources Management Award and the New Professional Award.

Richard J. Messer Excellence in Human Resources Management Award

This special award was designed to recognize outstanding leadership and achievements in the human resources field. The recipient is an individual who serves as a role model for others, sets the standard by which others are measured and unselfishly gives of themselves to the betterment of TAHRA, the Human Resources profession and the community. Any current member of the Tulsa Area Human Resources Association, with the exception of the Awards Committee participants, are eligible to be nominated. The award is named in Honor of Rick Messer who was one of the founding members of TAHRA who became a National Chairman of SHRM as well as the founding Chairman of HRCI.

The award consists of a $500 cash donation to the charity of the recipient's choice and a special commemorative plaque. In addition, a special biographical sketch detailing the individual's accomplishments will appear in the TAHRA newsletter.

New Professional Award

This special award is designed to recognize an outstanding new professional in our organization. Any TAHRA member with five years or less in the human resources field with the exception of the Awards Committee participants, is eligible to be nominated.

The award consists of a $300 cash donation to the charity of the recipient's choice and a special commemorative plaque. In addition, a special biographical sketch detailing the individual's accomplishments will appear in the TAHRA newsletter.

Both awards will be presented at the November 15 Program Meeting.

To nominate someone, please first speak to them to gain their permission, then please contact Brandon Brazeel, VP of Leadership Development at eat0@eau0eav0eaw0 and we will do the rest.

Self nominations are allowed and encouraged.

Criteria for the awards include: categories of self development; chapter contributions; community and civic involvement and leadership.